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Logotyp för Borås Stad

Care and Support

Your needs change throughout your life. Sometimes, care and support from others may be necessary to enjoy a good life. The City of Borås offers diverse forms of support and assistance, such as assistance for the elderly, for people with disabilities, and for those experiencing financial difficulties.

Assistance at Home
Home care, home-delivered meals programmes, and personal alarm services are a few examples of home assistance provided by the municipality. To receive home assistance, you are required to register and apply, after which your situation will be assessed by a social worker.

Care and Nursing Homes
Care and nursing homes are provided for the elderly and for people with disabilities, pursuant to assessment by a social worker.

Fyra personer sitter vid ett bord och skrattar.

Support for People with Disabilities
The City of Borås provides support to people with disabilities. We can help you to find the right care and support based on your needs, so that you can live an active and independent life.

Youngsters on a bench.

Support for Children and Youngsters
Children and youngsters have the right to grow up in safe surroundings and under good conditions. We offer assistance and support in many different situations.

Ikon: pratbubblor




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