Community life
Community life is important, and we want to make it easier for you who run or want to start an association. Here you can find more information about grants for associations. Are you interested in joining an association to participate in a sport or another activity?
Start an Association
Are you considering starting an association and wondering how to do it? Here you can read more about how to proceed and find examples of how to write minutes, notices, extracts, and also the bylaws for smaller associations. There are also examples of financial reporting.
- Start an association
- Association registry
- Support and grants for associations and events
- Smartbook application for associations
- Application for temporary land use for activities
- Accessible leisure for all
- Donation Funds
Smartbook is a grant and booking system that manages bookings of sports facilities, grants, and association administration. You will also find the association registry here.
Association registry in Smartbook
To manage Smartbook, each association needs to appoint a person who will have primary access to register their association in the system.

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