Logotyp för Borås Stad
Logotyp för Borås Stad
Logotyp för Borås Stad

Meeting places and social hubs

There are several meeting places and community hubs for all ages and interests where you can meet others, socialize, learn new things, or take part in various activities.

Flera personer som står tillsammans och pratar, närmst kameran står en kaffekopp.

Meeting Places for All Ages
There are several meeting places and social hubs for all ages and interests where you can meet others, socialize, learn new things, or participate in various activities.

Ungdomar som är avbildade på en husvägg.

Open youth activities
In Borås, there are open youth centers at various locations where you are welcome to hang out, be creative, and explore your ideas.

Entrén till Träffpunkt Simonsland

Simonsland social hub
Simonsland social Hub is Borås' central activity house, aimed at providing a rich recreational life for everyone. There is a café, a variety of activities, and free spaces available for booking.

Bild på Kulturhusets fasad från Sturegatan

Cultural center
The Cultural Center houses the City Library, Art Museum, City Theatre, and various other events.

Bild som visar sport- och fritidsutrustning

Fritidsbanken is The sports equipment library in Borås. Fritidsbanken collects and lends out used sports and outdoor equipment for free.

Ett litet barn som leker med ett tåg i trä.

Open Preschool
Open Preschool is a meeting place for children and parents. Here, you can play, paint, sing, read, and more.

Ett äldre par som sitter på en parkbänk en höstdag.

Meeting places for seniors
At the meeting places for seniors, you can enjoy social interaction, experiences, stimulating activities, and hopefully make new friends.

Fyra stenar i olika storleken ligger på varandra. I bakgrunden skymtar vatten.

Meeting places for people with mental health issues
The department of social care runs the open meeting place Berggården, which is intended for people with mental health issues.

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