Logotyp för Borås Stad
Logotyp för Borås Stad
Logotyp för Borås Stad

Swedish for immigrants, SFI

Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) is a course for those of you who need a basic knowledge of Swedish. Once you have completed SFI, you should be able to communicate in spoken and written Swedish in your everyday lives, in work and whether you choose to continue studying.

Vocational or core curriculum studies

When you study at SFI, you are able to choose between Vocational studies or Core curriculum studies. This does not apply to studying A-courses, introduction courses or distance learning, flex or evening courses.

  • Vocational studies (yrkesspår) prepare you for work or for further vocational studies.
  • Core curriculum studies (studiespår) prepare you for courses at lower secondary, upper secondary or post-secondary level.

You can study full-time or part-time.

Collage med bilder på SFI-elever

Who can study at SFI in Borås?

  • You must be registered in the municipality of Borås.
  • You must have a residence permit and you must be at least 16 years old.
  • You should have received your Swedish personal identity number.

How SFI works in Borås Stad

Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) is a Swedish language course for those who have moved to Sweden from another country. Admission are ongoing and new courses begin every five or six weeks.
There are many who apply to Sfi and thus there is a waiting list.

How do I apply to SFI?

  • If you have a civic registration number or coordination number, you can apply online from the adult education's website from home

Application to SFI
https://boras.alvis.gotit.se/student/sfi_anmalan.aspx Länk till annan webbplats.] in Swedish

  • If you don´t have a civic registration number but are EU citizens or have received a residence permit:

The application is done via the following application form.

Application form to SFI Pdf, 256.9 kB, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Please attach a copy of your passport/national ID card or residence permit card to your application. Send the application to:
Svenska för invandrare
SE-501 80 Borås

Or by email to sfi@boras.se

When can I start?

After applying, you will be put on a waiting list. When it´s your turn, you will be invited to see our Career and Guidance Counsellor. Together you will decide on what level you should start at.

SFI has four courses and three paths

  • Study path 1 consists of courses A, B, C and D.
  • Study path 2 consists of courses B, C and D.
  • Study path 3 consists of courses C and D.

We teach reading and writing for those who lack basic literacy skills or who are literate but have not mastered the Latin alphabet. We also teach reading and writing in Somali.

Study plan (Studieplan)

As a student at SFI, you will have an individual study plan. The school writes the individual study plan together with you. The study plan includes your educational goals and the range of your studies.

When planning your educational studies, we always begin with your school background and the goals you intend to achieve with your studies.


Grades are set on completion of the course.

Study times and modes of study

You can study daytime, evening, via distance learning or at the flexible study center (Flex).

  • Daytime

You study in the morning or afternoon, 15 hours per week.

  • Evening

Studies take place in the evenings, Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, starting at 5 PM.

  • Distance Learning

This course is for you those of you with computer skills and who are going to study at SFI on course C or D. Distance learning means that you need to be at school at least one lesson every month. Sometimes you will study from home with the help of a computer. You can borrow a computer from the school.

  • Flexible (Flexen)

This course is for people who work or who are on parental leave and is called Flexen. The studies are in the daytime and you study at least three hours per week

SFI cooperation with Arena utbildning

You can study Swedish for immigrants at Komvux and Arena utbildning

You cannot apply directly to Arena, but your name will be put on a list here by us at Vuxenutbildningen in Borås.

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